Piecewise syndetic set

In mathematics, piecewise syndeticity is a notion of largeness of subsets of the natural numbers.

Let \mathcal{P}_f(\mathbb{N}) denote the set of finite subsets of \mathbb{N}. Then a set S \sub \mathbb{N} is called piecewise syndetic if there exists G \in \mathcal{P}_f(\mathbb{N}) such that for every F \in \mathcal{P}_f(\mathbb{N}) there exists an x \in \mathbb{N} such that

x%2BF \subset \bigcup_{n \in G} (S-n)

where S-n = \{m \in \mathbb{N}: m%2Bn \in S \}. Informally, S is piecewise syndetic if S contains arbitrarily long intervals with gaps bounded by some fixed bound b.



Other Notions of Largeness

There are many alternative definitions of largeness that also usefully distinguish subsets of natural numbers:

See also


  1. ^ R. Jin, Nonstandard Methods For Upper Banach Density Problems, Journal of Number Theory 91, (2001), 20-38</math>.
